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Stocking Up

Just recently stocked up. I buy in bulk. By far the best spice blend I have ever used in my 40+ years of living in Houston! - Kathy Padlock Houston, Texas

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When you retire

My family has been using “Guy’s Seasoning” since my grandmother found Guys Meat Market on old Spanish Trail in Houston in the late ‘50’s.

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I use it on everything!

Thank you! Your seasoning is my absolute favorite and I use it on everything. My husband and I recommend to all of our friends.Your continued supporter,Kristi Akers

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A Real Treat

There were about ten of us in our office in the Med Center.  It was a real treat when someone would yell "Goin for Guy's burgers, who wants one?" Everyone would dig into their pockets and come up with the bucks and then all would be quiet, waiting for them to get back...and waiting....   Once they arrived it was like dogs with bones.  We'd all go to back our desks and for a few minutes nothing but silence as we wolfed them down with chips and a drink! Great stuffings! Anyway, I'll stop bugging you but, you take care and...

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A short story of your fantastic seasonings!

I want to add my testimonial regarding your fantastic seasonings!  I have been a fan of them as far back as I remember.  My grandfather, Earl Detenbeck, used your seasoning on everything.   I have so many fond memories of him coming over to the house, when I was a small kid, with an armload of steaks from your shop a bag of seasoning and a case of beer and a few coke's and we would sit in the backyard cooking the steaks over charcoal.  As we grew older and migrated away from Houston, Earl would always be our family Guy's...

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